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Adapt and Transform: Hot Paper Lantern Launches Blueprint For Brands

Michael Friedin
June 25, 2020

Today’s world is a stark contrast from the one we knew just a few months ago. As we forge our way through a global pandemic, economic uncertainty and social revolution, what we value and expect from one another — as employees, consumers and citizens — has evolved beyond recognition. These shifts have brought new challenges — and new critical questions — that need to be answered.

At a time of universal turbulence, how do organizations support and earn the trust of their employees and customers? While navigating through an economic crisis, how do companies demonstrate strength and integrity? As consumer habits and expectations rapidly evolve, how do brands remain relevant?

To help brands answer these questions, Hot Paper Lantern presents, Adapt and Transform: a blueprint to guide brands through the evolving business reality.

The new business reality

For companies, the initial stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, dominated by the shift to remote working and the immediate need to keep employees safe, remains a daily state of play. But now, as the health, economic and social crises continue to churn, people are looking for action. It’s no longer enough to have a compassionate purpose — employers, businesses and leaders must turn talk into tangible, meaningful impact. And starting yesterday was already too late.

The Adapt and Transform blueprint focuses on four impact areas and provides actionable insight to help brands navigate our current reality:

  • Employee Experience
  • The crises we’re facing are placing increased demand on our employers and employees than ever before. How you support your staff through isolation, help them to avoid overload, and then deliver valuable direction, is vital to their  collective wellbeing, productivity and ultimate success.
  • Sales Enablement
  • It’s no longer appropriate to just sell hard — you must sell right. The value you provide to customers, and how you provide it, must continue to evolve with their changing wants and needs. And as digital sales channels become increasingly important for reaching customers, your brand’s mastery of those channels will influence your ability to grow the business.
  • Brand Relevance
  • Now is not just the time to take a stand, it’s also high time to take action; your stakeholders, employees and customers expect nothing less. Staying relevant for the right reasons will depend on your brand’s position on major social issues, investing in the communities in which you operate, and your company’s ability to minimize its impact on the physical environment, to name a few.  
  • Leadership Communications
  • People are demanding more transparency and action from their leaders. In an era of such uncertainty, they are turning to private sector leaders for guidance and stability. Consequently, demonstrating the ability to listen, displaying vulnerability, providing security and inspiring those around them will become table stakes for a new generation of leadership.

The current pace of global change, for society and businesses alike, is not set to slow. As your force multiplier, Hot Paper Lantern can help your brand adapt and transform to address today’s big challenges, while preparing for tomorrow’s.

Download the blueprint

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