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8 experts on how to deal with job burnout - The Ladders

Sara Whitman
July 27, 2022

A day in the life of a PR professional can sometimes feel like a series of conundrums, such as juggling a busy meeting schedule while trying to adhere to various deadlines, that can eventually contribute to burnout.

Our Chief People Officer, Sara W., recently shared tips with Ladders on ways to avoid burnout and protecting your schedules: "Take control of your calendar. It’s not possible for most of us, but we all have pockets of time that we can protect or influence. I start each week by looking at my calendar and deciding which meetings are absolutely necessary. I try to block open pockets of time and decide how to use that time in advance. Avoiding back-to-back meetings is essential."

Read the full article here: https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/8-experts-on-how-to-deal-with-job-burnout